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a letter to Bollinger
If you believe fat fucks people like Michael Moore, and his new film Capitalism: A Love Story, then big companies have lost touch with the common man. Well, they don’t come any more common than our main man Darren Reynolds, who has agreed to test this theory to it’s limits by writing a thoroughly lovely letter to one of these “so called” companies, Bollinger, to see if they can be bothered to reply.
It’s science at its absolute best!
Click on Dazza’s note below to zoom in or out. HA!, and they say “letter writing is a dead artform”!!
a poem (a list) 2
Video(s) of the week
At the first (and so far only) Springfield Film Festival, Homer Simpson had to choose between an art-house film about being an alcoholic, made by his best friend Barney Gumble, and the film below.
It was a tough call for Homer to make because, as he put it, “Barney’s movie had heart, but ‘Football in the Groin’ has a football in the groin.” In the end he voted for Barney’s film. But if this film had been entered the decision would have been even harder.
Sure “Football in the Groin” has a football in the groin but “Football in the Face” has a football in the face! And it has a front-flip/handspring throw-in to boot!!
For those of you who haven’t seen Barney’s film it’s pretty awesome. It’s in the Season 6 Episode “A Star Is Burns” but it isn’t on youtube. However, some Spanish(I think) dudes have remade it very well but be warned – it’s in Spanish(I think).
a poem
Where I grew up poetry was considered a bit (beat-up-able proportions of) poncy. But since then Eminem has come along, wowed the world, made the impossible possible and now…well it’s still considered (smack-your-head-in-levels of) wrong. But HEY! I don’t live there anymore so here’s one of my efforts.
Backstory: The girl of my affections was about to leave the country for ever at the end of February. Valentines Day was my last ditch attempt to win her over. My plan to win her heart involved a mixture of humour, affection and a picture of a fluffy kitten. (picture first, poem second)
So…did it work? Did it fuck.
The most ill-judged advert of all time (of the week)
Hindsight is a muthaf@%kin wonderful thing. Whilst Gary Glitter is still considered one of the foremost paedeos of pop (along with Wacko Jacko, Jonathan King and maybe……um….. James Blunt?) using him to target this particular demographic has gotta be something even British Rail are ashamed of.
Monkey on a bike of the week
A monkey on a bike! As seen on Nevermind The Buzzcocks
video of the week
Ben Stiller being great to the power of awesome!
Postcard from Edinburgh

Edinburgh 2009
Hey Sammy,
High drama on the way up to Edinburgh! The train pulled into Peterborough and I was literally minding my own business when a girl in her early twenties got on and took the seat across the aisle from me.
She had a lot of thick dark hair falling all the way down to the small of her back. She took off her rucksack which caught in her jeans and dragged them down to expose another amount of thick dark hair all over her arse! Naturally I looked (stared) a little (a lot).
When she caught me staring I had the common decency to quickly turn my head and look out of the window, only to find her father, mother and younger brother stationed on the platform staring straight back at me as if I was the pervert, not their hairy daughter.
I was cornered so I took out the old Sagem phone and pretended to play a game on it until Edinburgh. Little did they know the old Sagem came out in 1994, before games were even invented!!! Lol (x ten).
Ah, the old Sagem! Its always there for me when I need it (apart from abroad where it doesn’t work as it came out in 1994 – before going abroad was invented).
much love, Tommy x
p.s Here’s a picture of the old Sagem for your viewing pleasure.
The Twat Files at Edinburgh
Gin Riot member Tom Rowson will be performing at Edinburgh Festival this year in the new comedy show The Twat Files.
The show will be running throughout the festival at the Voodoo Bar.