There have been some truly awesome Bills over the years but WHO or WHAT is the best Bill ever?
Bill Murray
Bill fucking Murray. Bill Groundhog Day, Ghostbustin’-ass Muwway. A God amongst men. It can’t be possible to love a man more than we love Bill Murray.
Bill Shakespeare
He wrote some plays and that. This isn’t from one of them.
Bill O’Reilly
He may be a right wing Fox News tool but he sure can go mental with the best of ‘em.
And here’s the REMIX!
The Bill
Does TV get better than a couple of coppers’ feet walking down a pavement? Yes. Yes it does.
Bill Hicks
One of the all time top ten stand-up comics.
Billy Ray Cyrus
One of all time top ten mullets.
$100 dollar bill
Kill Bill
Vintage Quentin.
A duck’s bill
Classic Daffy.
Bill of human rights
There’s some stuff about it on wikipedia. In the meantime here’s some more Bill Murray.
The Bills are in. Now YOU DECIDE!

ps – Some Bills that didn’t quite make the list: Bailey, Gates, Cosby, Tax. Here’s Bill Murray smoking a cigarette on a diving board.